Students personalize their degree by selecting two course threads: one from Computing and one from either LMC or Music Technology. This flexibility allows students to tailor their studies toward their career interests. View possible thread combinations with outcomes examples, and explore alumni careers.

Understanding and developing the technical and computational capabilities of systems in order to exploit their abilities to provide creative outlets.

The theoretical and computational foundations for designing, building, and evaluating systems that treat the human as a central component.

Designing and implementing artifacts that exhibit various levels of intelligence as well as understanding and modeling natural cognitive agents such as humans, ants, or bees.

Building and critically analyzing interactive systems for commerce, education, entertainment, social media, and personal expression.

Studying the history and creating new forms of cinema, electronic media, and performance art.

Building and critically analyzing the broad
and growing variety of videogame genres—everything from mainstream role-playing games to casual games, independent games, serious games, and art games

Use technology to create and perform music, create new algorithms for music generation and analysis, conduct scientific experiments in music perception, and design and develop transformative music products.

Admission to the music technology thread requires the submission of a portfolio. Students may submit a portfolio for review at any time after they are admitted to Georgia Tech with a CM major or at any time while enrolled in the CM degree. Portfolios are reviewed by a panel of School of Music faculty to ensure that students have adequate preparation for the thread.

To submit your portfolio, please fill out the portfolio application and e-mail it to with the subject “Computational Media Portfolio Submission.”

Submission Deadlines

  • Oct. 1 (notification by Oct. 15)
  • Feb. 15 (notification by March 15)
  • June 1 (notification by June 15)
Computing ThreadLMC ThreadOutcome Examples
People 👥Games 🎮Games research and evaluation
People 👥Interaction Design 🔄User research and social media
People 👥Film and Media Studies 📽Future of television
People 👥Music Technology 🎵Interactive music systems, audio software and hardware design
Media 📺Games 🎮Game design and development
Media 📺Interaction Design 🔄Interfaced design
Media 📺Film and Media Studies 📽Digital animation
Media 📺Music Technology 🎵Game audio, broadcast and recording technologies
Intelligence 🧠Games 🎮Game AI and character intelligence
Intelligence 🧠Interaction Design 🔄Adaptive systems
Intelligence 🧠Film and Media Studies 📽Adaptive media
Intelligence 🧠Music Technology 🎵Music information retrieval, computational media analysis

CM students are encouraged to participate in Georgia Tech study abroad or exchange programs facilitated by the Office of International Education (OIE). Georgia Tech students must be enrolled in the equivalent of 12 Georgia Tech credit hours during each exchange term to maintain full-time enrollment.

The following programs offer courses most applicable to the CM degree:

Barcelona beach on morning sunrise

Spend 11 weeks in a dynamic Mediterranean city, earning 12 credit hours with Georgia Tech faculty while immersing yourself in Spanish culture.

Nyhavn in Copenhagen, Denmark.

Fall & Spring Semesters: Study in one of Europe’s leading hubs for technology, design, and innovation while earning credit at Denmark’s IT University.

Beautiful aerial view of the Vastra Hamnen (The Western Harbour) district in Malmo, Sweden, during sunset. View from above.

Spring Semester: Immerse yourself in Sweden’s most diverse and creative city while studying sustainability, media, and technology at Malmö University.

Cibeles fountain at Plaza de Cibeles in Madrid

Fall & Spring Semesters: Experience life in Spain’s capital while taking courses in business, social sciences, and engineering at a top-ranked university.

CM majors may choose to participate in the Georgia Tech International Plan, a challenging and coherent academic program that develops global competence within the context of a student’s undergraduate major. It is a degree-long program that integrates international studies and experiences into any participating major at Georgia Tech. To earn the IP designation, students:

  • Go abroad for 26 weeks via two international programs that connect together
  • Take three globally oriented courses
  • Show foreign language proficiency through the 2002 level
  • Complete a capstone course with an IP component
  • Have a 2.7 GPA upon entering and completing the program

Students who want to pursue the five-year B.S./M.S. combination in CM and DM must apply to the School of LMC after completing at least 75 hours of work towards the CM degree.  Applicants should have a cumulative GPA of at least 3.5. This GPA must be maintained for the student to take graduate-level courses. Students must start the program in the Fall to be on track with other M.S. students. 

Students admitted to the program will take a total of 12 credit hours of graduate coursework during their final undergraduate year. Six credit hours of that work in DM courses will count towards two 4000-level LMC courses (6 hours) and will count for both undergraduate and graduate credit. During the summer term after their fourth year, students will participate in an approved internship program. During their fifth year, students will take a total of 24 credit hours, including either LMC 6800 or LMC 7000, and with no more than three courses taken outside of the DM program.